Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Words For Life

Does anyone else find the concept of time to be a puzzling one?

If we are only conscious right Now, then the Nows that happened just "before" this one and the expectations of Nows to come "later" are not provable in any scientific manner. Memory is created by a different Now that this One and after its momentous happening, it becomes a story that has been affected by other stories generated in different Nows. This means the memory has been unconsciously and inevitably tampered with. Can we trust it?

I mean, the perception did indeed come from the individual, but it isn't exactly true in regards to its exactness to the momentous event in which we totally regard.

Expectations are essentially memories of the future. They aren't honest in the sense of their actual happening because nothing ever goes completely according to plan because a plan can never encompass everything that truly happens. We base the events that are happening Now on what happened "before" Now at a different Now. Our perceptions can flip from this linear view, (which isn't pretty) onto the other side of the spectrum considered to be "the future." Our perpcetions of what happened before create what is happening in the moment, Now, and based on this connection, we link the transcending nature of events to a notion of what might happen next, in the upcoming Nows. In many cases, we are able of predicting what will happen. Mind us, it's a relatively "short" span that we are able of judging prior. Nonetheless, it depicts an evolutionary shift, perhaps puncturing through the restrictions of time.

Time seems to be cyclical. Things come and go, but they always end up back at the same place: existence.

Now, if Now is the only Now, which it doesn't seem to be able to be, why is it that there are headstones in cemetaries? Those couldn't all but the relative ones be props in the grand perception of realistic existence. Could they? Something needs to consciously connect those objects with the individual in question, a connection deeper than a vision with eyesight, so that those objects may be perceived as "real."

Universal individual consciousness has a perspective limited only by the exposure and awareness of his existence. The more we know, the more we know. It's cyclical.

I do not find it outrageous for any individual to believe that he is the only One. This, as a matter of belief, is True. True, we all have our individual physical bodies, but there's something much, much bigger happening here. There is One eternal soul, One eternal consciousness, constantly changing in accordance with nature. We are all part of One being, human beings. We may have subtle differences at the surface but when it comes down to it, we all drink the water, eat the food, and breath the air, simply to survive.

Imagine yourself amongst a group of friends, laughing always, well through the moment of abdominal pain. There's hardly oxygen in your lungs from laughing so consistently with the individuals you surround yourself with. Everyone is intoxicated with laughter. And it can't stop. Whatever anyone says heightens the euphoria felt and nothing can bring it down. Nobody amongst this group is trying to get the attention for themselves, only to heighten the laughter amongst all. The laughter is what depicts bliss and we thrive off of it. The energy of this environment is communal; it represents a connection on such a powerful, moving level. This connection is what heightens our experience of Life. When such inspiring, euphoric moments occur, we recognize this. It's tightening the web of human consciousness that meets in the middle, to reveal the True Spirit.

True Spirit is being. We are all here together for a reason. Unity amongst people is purity of existence. Together, we can make any dream reality.

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