Monday, February 21, 2011

One Consciousness

Some like it hot, some like it cold. Some like it in the pot nine days old.

It's true.

In regards to any one specific object, any number of different reactions may occur. Simply put, in speaking of seemingly insignificant or even massive instances, the variety of individual perceptions is quite expansive.

But are these reactions truly different from the rest? Note that in the opening expression there are three different personal reactions to the unknown object. Yes, they are different in literal expression, in words, but upon an analysis of the concepts involved it is quite clear that each of the three subjects is simply doing what they enjoy. Whether the individual likes it hot, cold, or old, they are all doing the same thing: what they like.

It seems that lately individuals are constructing their perceptions of reality based on the small scale differences and ignoring the larger scale similarities.

We can look at ourselves as unique, as special, as different than the rest, and this would be true to some degree. Twins connected at birth who walk the same path, hear the same sounds, meet the same people, and even appear physically the same every day, may be perceived as identical. Their similarity in experience seems to grant them a singular individuality, but, every single seemingly insignificant experience does truly make a difference. While the brother on the left is connected to the brother on the right, one may look to the side and witness an event while the other blinked. This would affect the singularity of their conscious being creating a difference in their perspectives, telescoping change in their actions, which would be, and are, reactions in and to their realities.

Of course there are going to be differences in perspectives, that's the trick of our existence. We have perceptions of others with different perspectives so that we can discover new experiences to enhance our grand experience. There will always be differences only so long as one addresses and focuses on them.

But hey! We're all simply beings being and doing what we believe will create the most promising and prosperous experience!

One goes up and one goes down, yes, but there is balance. This balance is an epic theme of our existence. We are all connected in this experience by our consciousness. Every human being is conscious at this very moment and in some sense or another, doing exactly what everyone else is doing. This connection is incredible and must not be ignored. We are all conscious and whatever we do balances something out, whether it is momentously perceived or not.

This consciousness is evident in every single individual in existence.

Just look at the connection!

We all have the ability to perceive, act, and connect with others. Our perceptions in life allow us to exist consciously. This consciousness connects every single individual to every other individual, creating one being: mankind. What one person does affects what another person does, no matter how small or how large, creating influences that alter the individual from his previous state. This is an individual projecting his being into another, creating a hybrid individual composed of multiple beings. Then, if we look at the course of existence, we notice that everything that happens is in some way a reaction to something else, so who we are is a compilation of everyone and everything that we have ever experienced. Our makeup is comprised of everything. We are not in any sense our original beings yet we are perfect in every way.

Consciousness is a trait that transcends every individual in existence, including the immeasurable components of nature and on to the cosmos. This specialty, if you will, this characteristic, depicts our exceptional connection with everything. Now we may not understand everything but we are connected to it indefinitely. How we choose to act in our environments is a reaction to our influences.

And this is it. Every man is a brother, every woman, a sister. Nature is our mother and the universe, our father. We belong to to everything. We are here because of them and to conflict with a fellow member of this community we call mankind is to disturb our absolute truth of being. Accepting the differences by regarding the higher truth of similarities offers us a connection more valuable than any material, physically constructed object.

Our true test in life is to connect and create One. When we can connect as One we will rise from the anxiety of achievement into absolute acceptance. We are all connected by this One Consciousness. Just look for the similarities.

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