Thursday, February 17, 2011

There Is a Reason

Is there a point to all this? Tell me, please, that if a poll were taken amongst every indidivual in existence on earth, that the general concensus of purpose to existence would not be finances.

It is true that finances are connected, beyond simplicity, to what people consider to be the purposes in Life, but we must never forget that they are not the entire purpose. They are a middleman to our happinesses. And, in speaking directly on the business that we are regarding, middlemen are never as efficient as cutting to the chase.

Every individual being here on this planet is a part of nature. If we look at nature, we notice that nothing goes to waste. Everything has a purpose. We cannot be so naive in thinking that it's all here for us. We are a part of nature not the other way around. Thus said, everything we do, whether we are conscious or not, is so that something else may happen.

The beauty is that we as individuals have the option to choose what that something else is. I believe that beyond everything, words included, the main purpose to the life of an individual is to be happy. Whether this be considered as peace of mind, an upbeat personality, or whatever, I believe that everyone wants to be happy. Some people revere this happiness to be even simpler than such. Some simply live to live, nothing more. After all, Life is everything that we have. There is no greater truth.

So, given our purpose to remain in existence, most likely with peace of mind, we all breath the air, drink the water, and eat the bread. So where is it that someone decided that we needed arbitrary objects to remain in a peaceful state of mind? I'm speaking, of course, about money.

Money seems to be the most corrupting aspect of reality. It shifts a focus from the personality of the individual in subject to the contents of their pockets. Who cares what's in the pockets? It's all about what upstairs making what happens outside possible!

It's easy to believe that money has taken the place of personalities in certain realms of human existence. These are where people are numbers, not faces with names, culture, expression, personality...

Money has created sacrifice. We have been conditioned on a massive scale to believe that we need money to be happy. In following, individuals sell their existence to businesses in exchange for a few pieces of paper that most complain about anyways. So where is the balance?

It's true, there are many things, material objects, that humans desire because they either make Life simpler, or more enjoyable, which could be considered the same. First off, simplicity is the avoidance of actual self-gratification. When one consciously recognizes that effort was infused into something, the mental reward is far greater than any monetary compensation. For example, let's look at an essence of life: nourishment. Humans need to eat in order to survive. Somewhere in the loop, someone decided that they would rather have someone else grow the food that they eat, ignoring their own responsibilities, which are very essential and basic! This shift from taking immediate responsibility opened the doors to working as a community by an individual not wanting to do something. True, it made living easier for those who told themselves that they would be better off if someone else prepared their food. Next, let's look at television. People love television. This enjoyment goes hand in hand with simplicity. Doing nothing, thinking minimally based on visual sensation, which goes against the test our eyes propose to test if we can see beyond our vision, and having someone create something that we don't essentially need, shifts the focus of existence to laziness and simplicity. We're only using our eyes! We only want material things because they have in fact been materialized! If they were not available, they would not be desired. These material things are only in existence because someone created them in order to avoid their own individual responsibilities. There is nothing to work for but the things that we see in front of us and those are not the important things!

When we work for something, it feels good. When we can provide for ourselves without sacrificing our True Self by sitting behind a desk, dealing with angry customers, folding shirts, handling other people's money, blah, blah, blah, then we will truly be happy.

There is some purpose to Life and I'm damn near as certain to say than ever that what we call capitalism, and the general concept of money, is not it. We need to get fired up about the real things, like compassion, truth, spirituality, harmonious existence with everything. We have been distracted beyond conception from the real virtues in Life. We need to realize by looking as far back as possible and relating it to our perceptions of what is to come. If we continue basing everything around money, everything will fall. Money can only do so much. It's the True human Spirit that lives, breathes, and goes all the way.

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