Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More for the Sake

There once was a man named Jim
His thoughts and his words were slim
He typed and jotted
In spaces quite slotted
And Now his head does spin

Restrictions on learning are weak
Taking pride while others try to speak
It's no way to live
One should only give
Like the rain does for a creek

Time is precious in moments like this
Discovery of self truly is crisp
We must learn for ourselves
Taking books off the shelves
And absorbing all of the bliss

One is all and all is one
We exist together under the sun
The moon rises high
As winds and clouds fly
And life goes on 'til undone

Laughter and peace is a kind way to be
When we don't even need our eyes to see
Mind offers what's true
Sure as the sky is blue
Rolling like waves in the sea

What we have is immeasurable and pure
Here it seems words don't seem so sure
Ending where beliefs begin
Full of rapture and sin
Honesty and silence the cure

Monday, February 21, 2011

Simply Nature

We as humans cannot deny our unprecedented ability to discover, alter, and create. Whether it be the stretching of concrete highways across the countryside or extracting crude matter from deep within the earth and using it to energize our use of the highways, our drive for dominance over nature exists and distorts our appreciation for the entire environment we live in. As Newton impressed generally, every action mankind takes within nature has an opposite and equal reaction and whether we as individuals choose to regard the natural world in our actions is dependent completely upon ourselves, with consequences, or, on the more positive side, change. Consciousness and morality on the endless wonders that our home planet affords us is the avalanche that shapes the mountainous appreciation that nature does not belong to us. We belong to nature.

The earth is one living, breathing organism functioning to an unacknowledged cause using every event within as a balanced happening of existence. Nature consists of highs and lows. Where there is drought, somewhere else there is flooding rain. Where there are frigid temperatures, there is someone somewhere else sweltering in the sun. When one tree falls to the forest floor, another tree disperses a seed into the cycle of life. Nature is balanced. Now, the infusion of humankind into nature must be acknowledged. Everything in existence within our precious planet is derived from nature; the woods, the metals, the diamonds, the airplanes, the computers, the cell phones. They all come from the earth. If not, where else would you say they did come from? Nature provides everything and so much of immeasurable amounts more for humans to exist far beyond necessity. Because of the natural progression that nature affords, humans have developed new abilities in such an advanced way that we have established the means of altering our planet and its contents in order to make our lives easier. By making our lives easier, the raw essences of life; food, water, oxygen, and general survival, have become second nature to us. Immediate nature has become the things that mankind has needed to physically alter in order to use. These commodities have warped our perception of existence into something so much shallower than that of our ancestors. We no longer worship the sun or the rain or any natural elements because we have done everything within our powers to control them for personal simplicity. When there is no sunlight, there are light bulbs and electricity. When there is no rain, there is bottled water. When there is intense heat, there is air conditioning. We do not, as a society, care about the world we live in. It has become something taken for granted.

Our planet naturally balances out the events that unfold within. When humans dispose of a cigarette butt, the earth works a little bit harder for about five years to recycle it naturally back into its cycle of existence. The long term effects of this pollution consist of various changes in the environment. But humans are meant to exist on this planet! If we weren’t, these words would not be on this page and they would certainly not be read. Our actions have effects, and while they may be considerably small or controversially astronomical in relevance to the size of the earth, the things we do change the earth. The question is: do we want the earth to change? Most likely no. We have been surviving as one organism of life since the beginning, of course, and that is the essence of nature. Our actions, in knowledge that they have effects on the earth, lead to change and the only way to combat such change is to devote appreciation to the planet on the whole. Without this planet, we would have nothing. Everything must be done in preservation of our planet, of our survival, of our existence.

One Consciousness

Some like it hot, some like it cold. Some like it in the pot nine days old.

It's true.

In regards to any one specific object, any number of different reactions may occur. Simply put, in speaking of seemingly insignificant or even massive instances, the variety of individual perceptions is quite expansive.

But are these reactions truly different from the rest? Note that in the opening expression there are three different personal reactions to the unknown object. Yes, they are different in literal expression, in words, but upon an analysis of the concepts involved it is quite clear that each of the three subjects is simply doing what they enjoy. Whether the individual likes it hot, cold, or old, they are all doing the same thing: what they like.

It seems that lately individuals are constructing their perceptions of reality based on the small scale differences and ignoring the larger scale similarities.

We can look at ourselves as unique, as special, as different than the rest, and this would be true to some degree. Twins connected at birth who walk the same path, hear the same sounds, meet the same people, and even appear physically the same every day, may be perceived as identical. Their similarity in experience seems to grant them a singular individuality, but, every single seemingly insignificant experience does truly make a difference. While the brother on the left is connected to the brother on the right, one may look to the side and witness an event while the other blinked. This would affect the singularity of their conscious being creating a difference in their perspectives, telescoping change in their actions, which would be, and are, reactions in and to their realities.

Of course there are going to be differences in perspectives, that's the trick of our existence. We have perceptions of others with different perspectives so that we can discover new experiences to enhance our grand experience. There will always be differences only so long as one addresses and focuses on them.

But hey! We're all simply beings being and doing what we believe will create the most promising and prosperous experience!

One goes up and one goes down, yes, but there is balance. This balance is an epic theme of our existence. We are all connected in this experience by our consciousness. Every human being is conscious at this very moment and in some sense or another, doing exactly what everyone else is doing. This connection is incredible and must not be ignored. We are all conscious and whatever we do balances something out, whether it is momentously perceived or not.

This consciousness is evident in every single individual in existence.

Just look at the connection!

We all have the ability to perceive, act, and connect with others. Our perceptions in life allow us to exist consciously. This consciousness connects every single individual to every other individual, creating one being: mankind. What one person does affects what another person does, no matter how small or how large, creating influences that alter the individual from his previous state. This is an individual projecting his being into another, creating a hybrid individual composed of multiple beings. Then, if we look at the course of existence, we notice that everything that happens is in some way a reaction to something else, so who we are is a compilation of everyone and everything that we have ever experienced. Our makeup is comprised of everything. We are not in any sense our original beings yet we are perfect in every way.

Consciousness is a trait that transcends every individual in existence, including the immeasurable components of nature and on to the cosmos. This specialty, if you will, this characteristic, depicts our exceptional connection with everything. Now we may not understand everything but we are connected to it indefinitely. How we choose to act in our environments is a reaction to our influences.

And this is it. Every man is a brother, every woman, a sister. Nature is our mother and the universe, our father. We belong to to everything. We are here because of them and to conflict with a fellow member of this community we call mankind is to disturb our absolute truth of being. Accepting the differences by regarding the higher truth of similarities offers us a connection more valuable than any material, physically constructed object.

Our true test in life is to connect and create One. When we can connect as One we will rise from the anxiety of achievement into absolute acceptance. We are all connected by this One Consciousness. Just look for the similarities.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

There Is a Reason

Is there a point to all this? Tell me, please, that if a poll were taken amongst every indidivual in existence on earth, that the general concensus of purpose to existence would not be finances.

It is true that finances are connected, beyond simplicity, to what people consider to be the purposes in Life, but we must never forget that they are not the entire purpose. They are a middleman to our happinesses. And, in speaking directly on the business that we are regarding, middlemen are never as efficient as cutting to the chase.

Every individual being here on this planet is a part of nature. If we look at nature, we notice that nothing goes to waste. Everything has a purpose. We cannot be so naive in thinking that it's all here for us. We are a part of nature not the other way around. Thus said, everything we do, whether we are conscious or not, is so that something else may happen.

The beauty is that we as individuals have the option to choose what that something else is. I believe that beyond everything, words included, the main purpose to the life of an individual is to be happy. Whether this be considered as peace of mind, an upbeat personality, or whatever, I believe that everyone wants to be happy. Some people revere this happiness to be even simpler than such. Some simply live to live, nothing more. After all, Life is everything that we have. There is no greater truth.

So, given our purpose to remain in existence, most likely with peace of mind, we all breath the air, drink the water, and eat the bread. So where is it that someone decided that we needed arbitrary objects to remain in a peaceful state of mind? I'm speaking, of course, about money.

Money seems to be the most corrupting aspect of reality. It shifts a focus from the personality of the individual in subject to the contents of their pockets. Who cares what's in the pockets? It's all about what upstairs making what happens outside possible!

It's easy to believe that money has taken the place of personalities in certain realms of human existence. These are where people are numbers, not faces with names, culture, expression, personality...

Money has created sacrifice. We have been conditioned on a massive scale to believe that we need money to be happy. In following, individuals sell their existence to businesses in exchange for a few pieces of paper that most complain about anyways. So where is the balance?

It's true, there are many things, material objects, that humans desire because they either make Life simpler, or more enjoyable, which could be considered the same. First off, simplicity is the avoidance of actual self-gratification. When one consciously recognizes that effort was infused into something, the mental reward is far greater than any monetary compensation. For example, let's look at an essence of life: nourishment. Humans need to eat in order to survive. Somewhere in the loop, someone decided that they would rather have someone else grow the food that they eat, ignoring their own responsibilities, which are very essential and basic! This shift from taking immediate responsibility opened the doors to working as a community by an individual not wanting to do something. True, it made living easier for those who told themselves that they would be better off if someone else prepared their food. Next, let's look at television. People love television. This enjoyment goes hand in hand with simplicity. Doing nothing, thinking minimally based on visual sensation, which goes against the test our eyes propose to test if we can see beyond our vision, and having someone create something that we don't essentially need, shifts the focus of existence to laziness and simplicity. We're only using our eyes! We only want material things because they have in fact been materialized! If they were not available, they would not be desired. These material things are only in existence because someone created them in order to avoid their own individual responsibilities. There is nothing to work for but the things that we see in front of us and those are not the important things!

When we work for something, it feels good. When we can provide for ourselves without sacrificing our True Self by sitting behind a desk, dealing with angry customers, folding shirts, handling other people's money, blah, blah, blah, then we will truly be happy.

There is some purpose to Life and I'm damn near as certain to say than ever that what we call capitalism, and the general concept of money, is not it. We need to get fired up about the real things, like compassion, truth, spirituality, harmonious existence with everything. We have been distracted beyond conception from the real virtues in Life. We need to realize by looking as far back as possible and relating it to our perceptions of what is to come. If we continue basing everything around money, everything will fall. Money can only do so much. It's the True human Spirit that lives, breathes, and goes all the way.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Words For Life

Does anyone else find the concept of time to be a puzzling one?

If we are only conscious right Now, then the Nows that happened just "before" this one and the expectations of Nows to come "later" are not provable in any scientific manner. Memory is created by a different Now that this One and after its momentous happening, it becomes a story that has been affected by other stories generated in different Nows. This means the memory has been unconsciously and inevitably tampered with. Can we trust it?

I mean, the perception did indeed come from the individual, but it isn't exactly true in regards to its exactness to the momentous event in which we totally regard.

Expectations are essentially memories of the future. They aren't honest in the sense of their actual happening because nothing ever goes completely according to plan because a plan can never encompass everything that truly happens. We base the events that are happening Now on what happened "before" Now at a different Now. Our perceptions can flip from this linear view, (which isn't pretty) onto the other side of the spectrum considered to be "the future." Our perpcetions of what happened before create what is happening in the moment, Now, and based on this connection, we link the transcending nature of events to a notion of what might happen next, in the upcoming Nows. In many cases, we are able of predicting what will happen. Mind us, it's a relatively "short" span that we are able of judging prior. Nonetheless, it depicts an evolutionary shift, perhaps puncturing through the restrictions of time.

Time seems to be cyclical. Things come and go, but they always end up back at the same place: existence.

Now, if Now is the only Now, which it doesn't seem to be able to be, why is it that there are headstones in cemetaries? Those couldn't all but the relative ones be props in the grand perception of realistic existence. Could they? Something needs to consciously connect those objects with the individual in question, a connection deeper than a vision with eyesight, so that those objects may be perceived as "real."

Universal individual consciousness has a perspective limited only by the exposure and awareness of his existence. The more we know, the more we know. It's cyclical.

I do not find it outrageous for any individual to believe that he is the only One. This, as a matter of belief, is True. True, we all have our individual physical bodies, but there's something much, much bigger happening here. There is One eternal soul, One eternal consciousness, constantly changing in accordance with nature. We are all part of One being, human beings. We may have subtle differences at the surface but when it comes down to it, we all drink the water, eat the food, and breath the air, simply to survive.

Imagine yourself amongst a group of friends, laughing always, well through the moment of abdominal pain. There's hardly oxygen in your lungs from laughing so consistently with the individuals you surround yourself with. Everyone is intoxicated with laughter. And it can't stop. Whatever anyone says heightens the euphoria felt and nothing can bring it down. Nobody amongst this group is trying to get the attention for themselves, only to heighten the laughter amongst all. The laughter is what depicts bliss and we thrive off of it. The energy of this environment is communal; it represents a connection on such a powerful, moving level. This connection is what heightens our experience of Life. When such inspiring, euphoric moments occur, we recognize this. It's tightening the web of human consciousness that meets in the middle, to reveal the True Spirit.

True Spirit is being. We are all here together for a reason. Unity amongst people is purity of existence. Together, we can make any dream reality.

Don't Call Names

There are countless ways to classify a person but I don’t believe that any of them are positive.

To label someone creates an alternate perception of them, one separate to their True, momentous Self. Doing such allows broader, more distanced communities to feel more comfortable in thinking that they understand how people truly are when, in actuality, only a new name was created, a new word for our vocabulary.

Self-confidence comes cheap these days, in speaking of the confidence of the community. Somewhere in the loop, it was impressed upon mankind to disconnect himself with his Actual Self and connect with other humans. As this change occurred, complexities took effect upon the human mind. These complexities were distractions, at least in regards to True Self. It took our metaphysical focus and disassociated it with our Selves onto something else.

While to think negatively of this outward social communication would seem entirely selfish and cynical, it did separate us with a powerful, personal connection. This previous connection may be the reason for the ever-present conscious belief that there is something better beyond or before Now. It was absolute peace and perfection. There perhaps were no further desires when peace came from within. Contentedness was ever-present. But, with these outward reaches to connect with others, new complexities clouded our pure focus and hushed us away from truly understanding the nature of someone, our individual selves as well.

The want to connect outwardly is a reciprocating pattern. First, we connect, and grow. Then, we are grown and do not want to connect anymore. This lack of wanting to truly understand plants the seed of labels. Labeling is a simple way to feel as though something is understood. This brings forth the laziness of man. To retort an open, public label, when used in a discriminating manner would only be a clash of ego, which embodies the outward thoughtlessness that went into it to begin with. The make-up of this existence is self-destructing in nature. It offers no true forward progression.

Labeling is perceived from the individual perspective as negative while it makes society’s perception seem clearer. This is actually just a projection of laziness which above most of all, I percieve to be negative.

Labeling is good for nothing. To openly label someone impresses the horridly built up stereotypical perceptions of what is, and projects it into reality. To label someone changes them. Depending on the consciousness of what is actually taking place, the individual may be deeply changed by being labeled, or understand the reasons behind the label and agree with reasons against it for the purpose of self-awareness. This does not make one mind higher than another, it simply displays a different thought pattern. The change inflicted could be quite grand or seemingly unnoticed, but, regardless of recognition, a change always exists, and a cheap one at that. And on the simple subject of right and wrong, if one is labeled, the implication that they are what has been expressed is impressed upon them to be looped in a cycle endlessly.

To be told that one is wrong is a powerful expression. It will come with a high rate of change. The change could go either way, for good or bad, in the eyes of the expresser. One could feel as though, by influence of others, that he is deviant, bad, and make constant efforts to right himself in the perception of others. Others could just accept their categorizations and mold themselves to it, which is socially unacceptable by the prescribing standards.

Life has many things happening at once and it may be impossible to change the perceptions of others on the self. Then, the previous labeling that was impressed upon the self cycles through the conscious and then into the subconscious and eventually emerges back at the surface in the act of something that was earlier prescribed as deviant. It’s a vicious cycle.

To avoid this viciousness, the simple act of not labeling will suffice. Leave preconceptions at the door. We can learn based on momentous experience, not prior experience. The only True moment is Now. If one sees something they dislike, talking about it, especially shallow talk consisting of labels and catch phrases, will only telescope one's problem. Associating with the problem in a simple, honest, natural manner will influence it into a process of more natural change.

Influence is inevitable, and its power depends on what the intentions of the influence are, if any at all. It all resides in what kind of influence is impressed.

Saying Yes to Now

Deviance in society can be depicted as a butterfly. The middle of the butterfly represents the norm, what is considered normal, neutral, or average. The norm is something that happens without much recognition or attention because it is so, well, normal. Anything that provokes thought is considered deviant, or violating the norms. Thus creating the wings.

Each wing embodies a different perception of the deviant behavior, positive and negative. Each perception, whether positive or negative, can be attributed to over-conformity or under/non-conformity within the wing. One half of one wing is made with admiration by society to an individual’s lack of conformity.
This is true in the case of anyone who rebels to achieve a morally higher cause, such as John Gotti who worked to provide his family and neighborhood with the means to a prosperous life by acting in ways that they themselves are considered negatively deviant. His positive intentions outweighed the negative behavior that went into creating his vision so that he was received positively (until the Law came into the picture) by society.

The other half is positively perceived over-conformity such as the totally unselfish acts of Mother Theresa who cared for people when most else would not. Both are considered positive by society because, despite that they were out of the norm, they were based on positive intentions.

People can relate to positive intentions better than negative ones. Now, on the other wing, the negatively perceived one, society can evaluate a deviant act with negative perception because of an individual lack of conformity to the norm. People want other people to be more like them because they believe that they are normal.

When someone steals from someone else, it is immediately perceived as wrong, negative. It’s just a basic principle, not to steal from your neighbor, and is considered negative. Also on that wing is the negatively received over-conformity or rate-buster. When someone does what others want rather than implementing their own true self, people recognize this and receive it negatively. This attempt to associate with reality is shunned because it involves effort. To be normal does not require effort. Its concept is is self-conflicting though, because people want others to be a part of their normal ideologies, but when someone over-conforms, they are still only implementing their beliefs, which they most likely believe is normal too. So in some cases, it seems as though society cannot be totally satisfied.

Society wants to be in the middle, neutral and balanced. But if this were the case with the butterfly, there would be no wings and the function of the butterfly to pollinate flowers would be impossible to achieve. The butterfly would become extinct for lack of ability to function according to essential means of survival. Thus said, deviance is essential to societal function.

With such described, it is my turn to approach this form a personal standpoint. There will always be people who practice one way and there will always be people who practice the other way. This truth depicts conflict. This eternal, multi-dimensional construct of reality blends good and evil and tests man by offering him Life in Eden or a taste of the Forbidden Fruit; a new experience.

Only so much can be projected from thought into words but there is a component of our beings that is comprised of belief, which turns on where words lead off. Belief is essential to a wholesome life. Anything can be perceived as good or bad at the same time but beliefs create a concrete conclusion. Beliefs, not being fact generated, but by raw instinct, have immense power that is not recognized on a formal level of governance. Our test as humans is to exist at peace with ourselves. But sometimes we are pressured to engage in something that we obviously do not desire engaging in, but something drives us to engage anyways. This is either God’s punishment for eating the apple or the work of the Devil. Either represents our test.

Earth is purgatory, neutral between heaven and hell which are Utopia and the opposite of such. This test is to prove to God that we are at peace with ourselves, as mentioned, but this pressure to engage in something that we do not wish to engage in is the test of the Devil too. God has moved us closer to the Devil in our Lives in order to test our will. We can meditate our entire lives, being completely passive, but knowing that there is death and famine outside of ourselves, regardless of our peacefulness, conjures up guilt and pain within us. These feelings are God’s punishment for disobeying him in the Beginning and the work of the Devil for us to prove our worthiness. Perhaps constant meditation is right living. If one never experiences any conscious distortion throughout Life, they will believe only in what they experience.

For the sake of existence, let us imagine ourselves participating in the spiritual experience of doing nothing but existing. Perhaps there are names for such, or perhaps I’m simply an ass trying to categorize something. But by doing nothing but breathing, one lives only in that moment, taking it as simply as possible as not to sway towards evil in any way. Evil is comprised of many spiritually recognized factors. Speaking alone is considered by some to be evil in that it distracts the consciousness from spiritual purity.

To simply live and breathe is right and wholesome. Doing such demands immaculate effort to live purely. Living within the spiritual cleanliness of good acts offers the soul acceptance. And acceptance, after all, is essential.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For the Sake

Well, here we are. It's been quite some time since I last documented the movements of reality on this "blog." Actually, the whole premise of this release has registered itself mediocre and invaluable. But, the winds of change are a blowin'! I take my initial stance of individuality as I release my obligations to this blog from those of systematic learning and onwards towards creative inspiration. This is fresh.

Just the other day I asked a man for help when I was in need and he refused me. The help I inquired for was not only part of his job (which isn't important), it was so simple and such a small favor. Nevertheless, he refused. Not only did he refuse, when I inquired as to the happenings, he kept saying the same simple response that I was naturally well aware of. I used the same word twice and he degraded my linguistics by snarling that I "like that word."

To me, it was like dealing with an infant who has experienced very little in life. The disappointing part was that I was dealing with a director of campus safety, an older, supposedly more "experienced" individual. Well, all that ego and experience played off well for him. He lost the respect of an individual that will naturally branch like a plant, an individual that pays his salary. It just makes me wonder, how could someone be so disrespectful to the people that he is supposed to serve and protect?

Well, I got thinking. There was a conflict, that was for sure. I simply didn't understand why. I had simply asked this man for an instant of assistance and he turned it around as though I were a criminal. He must have been thinking in a frame of mind that did not apply to small college campuses, which begs me to question what he is actually doing here and why.

But, what I noticed as he responded to what I was saying, he wasn't leading the encounter where I needed it to be. After all, I was the one looking for something. He began talking about the specific words I was saying with disrespect and almost mockery. He immediately began to think that this encounter was supposed to yield him something. (I guess it is important that it is his job.)

Instead of listening to the student that he is paid by, he released his own disapproval of whatever upon me, the innocent learner. He implemented his "status" into conversation and by doing so he frustrated a relationship, abandoned a needing student, and generally created a sense of lacked care.

On the note of his frustrations, whatever they may be, business and pleasure are two separate things. If an individual is going to subscribe to the "business" of reality and engage themselves in a working environment, they must do so with all things considered. There is no saying halfway down the line, "I don't feel like doing this for you, despite it being my occupation." That kind of attitude is completely unsatisfactory for the functioning of a society that institutes these positions in the first place. If not this, then what?

I guess what I'm trying to say is multi-dimensional. If an individual is going to apply themselves to a socially facilitating institution, they better know what they're getting into. Authority and power doesn't change the fact that we're all simply human beings, trying to be happy in life. Take from one, and one will take from you.

And on the note of pathetic conversation with people in power. I'm not sure who to direct this to so I'll do both. It must be understood that people in authoritarian positions do not think rationally for the well being of others. They think for the well being of themselves, that is why they are in the position they are. For people who have that power, use your head. Don't just say the first thing that comes to mind. Try to do something! It's not about one man, or even two men. It's about the cosmos and allowing life to happen. Saying no to one instant is saying no to all instances. People are looking for help everyday. Give them the time. Whatever you give to the world will come right back.